Friday, March 11, 2011

Snow is Relative

A close relative.

Living in Vermont there was only one day in four years that the medical school shut 9:30 am the world looked like this...

and by the next morning you couldn't see the chain link fence at all and we could have climbed out of our windows into a snow drift. It was incredible!

Then we moved to Portland and after a couple of months of school I thought my first grade little Grace had missed the bus and drove her to school only to find the building dark and empty... the world looked like this...

and by 10:30 am it was all gone.

Anyway, it's all relative I guess.

One thing that I definitely wish I'd known sooner though was that the man responsible for the adage, "No two snowflakes are alike." was a living breathing Vermonter in the 1930's who spent years and years photographing snow crystals on a microscope and published in a paper with the National Weather Service his belief that there were never two alike.

Here's the man himself, nicknamed, "Snowflake" Bentley and here are a few of his crystal pictures. Beautiful! Always six-sided and always different.


  1. We've grown so accustom to snow days like that. I'm sure if we will how we will handle real snow (hopefully we won't have too).

  2. Hey! You really DID start a blog! Oh Carrie! How I love you!

    People are such wimps about snow - Even here in CT where it snows a lot! I really don't complain about the few days that Nathan got to stay home because the dental clinic was closed though. Those were nice days.

  3. I LOVE that you have a blog! You write so well, I am going to love reading it and keeping up with your darling little family! That is only the second pic I have seen of little Naomi, she is a doll. And those snowflake pictures...AMAZING!
